We enter this world full of vitality and potential. All too often, our vitality and joy evaporate, and our potential fails to bear fruit. I believe life is too short to spend it unhappy and unfulfilled. My passion is to help people discover what is holding them back and to re-discover joy and meaning in being alive.
Bodymind Integration works with you as a whole person. It helps you re-establish your connection with your own body, releasing the embodied patterns carried from the past and the corresponding beliefs that restrict you. Rediscover feelings, sensation, breath and touch. Re-awaken play, joy and pleasure. You can reclaim your right to feel vibrantly alive!
If you're looking for a dynamic and creative route for deep and lasting change, with a humanistic therapist who is genuine, empathetic and non-judgmental, I can help. Read these testimonials to see what people have said about their experience of working with me.